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Schacht Wolf Sectional Beam Kits

Schacht Wolf Sectional Warping

The Schacht Baby Wolf Sectional Warp Beam feature two-inch sections and a 30.5cm (12″) circumference. It comes as a kit that can be easily assembled and installed on your loom's existing warp beam. Schacht Wolf looms fold to a depth of 50.8cm (20″) with the sectional beam on.

The Schacht Sectional Beams for the Schacht Wolf Pup weaving looms are suitable for the original Wolf Pup, Wolf Pup LT, and Wolf Pup 8.10.  The sectional beams for the Baby Wolf and Might Wolf have 5cm (2") sections and 0.3m (1ft) circumference. 

Please note that the sectional warp kits are installed on your existing warp beam. If you would like the option of having a plain and sectional warp beam you will need to purchase a second warp beam to install your sectional kit on.

When ordering, kindly give us your loom’s serial number to ensure you get the correct part. 

Sectional Warp Beam Kit Assembly & Manual 
