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Venne Metallic Yarns

Sparkle It Up with Venne Yarns

Add some sparkle to your next craft project with these metallic threads from Venne. Use them for weaving, knitting, and embroidery.


Whether you’re looking to add some pizzazz to a piece of clothing or want to create a sparkling accessory, metallic yarns are an excellent choice for adding some shine and glamour to your craft project.

Using Venne Metallic Yarns in Craft Projects

Our range of Venne metallic yarns can be used in a variety of craft projects, including knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and even weaving.


Here are some ways to use metallic yarns to add sparkle to your next craft project:

  1. Knitting and Crocheting: By using metallic yarn in your pattern, you may give your knitting or crocheting project a hint of sparkle. You can use it to add a border to a scarf or hat or combine it with other yarns to give something a dazzling appearance. Use metallic yarn sparingly and alternate it with ordinary yarn for a more understated aesthetic.

  2. Embroidery: Metallic yarns can be used to create beautiful, intricate embroidery designs. Use it to outline a design or add highlights to a piece. Metallic yarns can also be used to create lettering and shapes on fabric.

  3. Weaving: Add metallic yarns in your warp or weft to give your weaving project some glitter. Metallic yarns can be used to produce a range of effects, from a soft sheen to a striking metallic appearance. Try experimenting with various textures and hues to produce a piece that is truly one of a kind.

There are a few considerations to make when working with metallic yarns. Due to their texture and weight, metallic yarns can be more challenging to work with than conventional yarns, so be sure to select a pattern that is appropriate for the kind of metallic yarn you are using.

Buy Venne Metallic Yarns Online in Australia

The Venne metallic yarns are available in a range of colours and different sizes to suit your project requirements. Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, embroidering, or weaving, metallic yarns can be used to create beautiful and unique designs that are sure to impress. So, add a touch of shimmer and shine to your next project and see the difference it can make!

Why buy metallic yarn from our collection?

At Thread Collective, our mission is to do more than just help your knitting, weaving or basketry projects come to life. We want your projects to last. That’s why we’ve gone above and beyond to source our products from brands with verified product quality.


Our rigorous quality standards are what set us apart from other yarn suppliers. From yarns to weaving looms to knitting and crochet tools - every single one of our products is screened for quality, before arriving at your door.

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